The acceleration of digitalisation in lean building/infrastructure construction will facilitate the industrialisation of the construction sector. The EU-funded COGITO project proposes to materialise the digitalisation benefits through a digital Construction 4.0 toolbox that harmonises Digital Twins with the Building Information Model concept. This allows a semantic and pragmatic alignment between novel data capture techniques and value-adding end-user services leveraging the power of near-real-time data for the timely detection of health & safety hazards to humans, construction quality defects as well as a constantly up-to-date workflow management in order to minimise construction project time/cost overruns and alleviate workplace accidents.
Our role
QUE revolutionises the complex and highly fragmented environment of construction industry through the COGITO project, by creating an advance framework of tailor-made Smart Contracts. Conventional Work Orders and SLAs are transformed into smart and self-enforcing digital contracts, that orchestrate the cooperation between different parties and stakeholders. Process simplification results to mutual trust and reduced cost for the participants.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958310.